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Author Topic: Michigan-firearms in archery season coming in 2014  (Read 4758 times)

Offline Mojostick

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Michigan-firearms in archery season coming in 2014
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:28:00 PM »
May 12,2014
Deer Management Assistance Permit Regulations
Wildlife Conservation Order Amendment No. 10 of2014

  The Department recommends allowing the use of firearms legal for the taking of deer with permission when hunting under the authority of a DMAP during archery season.
This order is being submitted for information and consideration. This item appeared on the Department's May 2014 calendar and may be eligible for approval on July 10, 2014.

Sadly, some of us tried to warn what would happen if we didn't get the modest antler point restrictions passed, in order to kill more antlerless deer. Some Michigan hunters are slow learners about how to play the regulations game. Really, really slow learners, especially after the crossbow misplay. We could have been in total control of shaping our regulations, but a small minority of guys had to muck it up, yet again. Now, other interests outside of hunters will determine our bow season regulations for us.
Firearms coming to bow season, as predicted...

Offline Bonebuster

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Re: Michigan-firearms in archery season coming in 2014
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2014, 09:53:00 AM »
Personally, I don`t think the public has any influence on decisions made by the DNR...

Offline Mojostick

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Re: Michigan-firearms in archery season coming in 2014
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2014, 09:55:00 PM »
Public influence has lots of sway in Michigan. One could often say too much. The public demand got the bait ban lifted and crossbows legalized. While a minority of hunters, public influence stopped APR's from expanding and is stopping firearms opener from opening on a Saturday, which all modern data since the advent of the POS license system/computer records show that a Saturday opener gets the most participation. (Saturday openers for everything, fish, fowl or big game gets the best overall participation in the modern era.) If the DNR had their way, November 15 would turn into a close Saturday.

If anything, the public is pushing the above proposal. It just so happens that the public pushing for this is the Michigan Farm Bureau.

The DNR has 5 goals.
1.Protect natural and cultural resources.
2.Ensure sustainable recreation use and enjoyment.
3.Enable strong natural resource-based economies.
4.Improve and build strong relationships and partnerships.
5.Foster effective business practices and good governance.

Managing for sport hunting is only a small part of what the DNR does for the natural resources.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, if we hunters can't get together to help craft hunting regulations for us, and compromise amongst ourselves instead of always fighting every change and even fighting ourselves, other groups will craft and change the regulations for us. Either way, the rules will always change. Either we change them in ways we like or other groups will change them for us, in ways we do not like.

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