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Author Topic: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation  (Read 10031 times)

Online mnbwhtr

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Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« on: March 05, 2014, 02:18:00 PM »
Sf2018 and HF2573 were introduced last week. It provides for crossbow use for those over 60. I also received a letter from the Pres. Of the American crossbow federation stating that he was planning on meeting with the sponsor of HF2573 to make the bill all inclusive for everyone. Minnesotan's better start writing to the environmental committees of the house and the senate.

Offline Mojostick

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 04:40:00 PM »
My suggestion would be to "get something" when xbows come to MN. If you want longer bow seasons or anything of the sort, start getting a list together and offer them up now. Otherwise you'll still end up with full inclusion of xbows, eventually, and nothing in return.

Offline Gator1

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2014, 07:20:00 AM »
Thanks for the heads up.  How do we track down contacts there was a good article in tbh about this last issue.

Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2014, 12:37:00 PM »
ya I read the article in Trad Bow Mag.  This guy complains about xbows in archery seasons-and that "xbows or more like firearms"

I own an xbow and have firearms.  This guy is almost to ridiculous to comment on.
Fox High Sierra
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Online mnbwhtr

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2014, 07:16:00 PM »

Offline Gator1

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2014, 08:07:00 PM »
Thanks for the link...

I'll get on this tomorrow. No place in archery seasons ...  Too many people abuse the doctors note already here in Minnesota,    :readit:    :readit:

Offline Steve D

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2014, 02:28:00 PM »
Cold Weather didn't he state "more like guns"? Scope mounted,pre-loaded, trigger released,aimed from the shoulder seems closer to guns than archery to me,especially "trad archery".Keep'em out of the archery season,if one is to lazy to practice with archery equipment stay in the gun season. Thats my sentiment on the "abuse" of crossbows  in the archery/bowhunting seasons.

Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2014, 09:27:00 AM »
a crossbow is shot like a crossbow.  It was developed about 500BC far before guns.

I go to archery shoots and see people shoot.  Lots of people are too lazy to learn how to shoot conventional bows.

I was watching one trad guy at 20 yards that had groups that would be measured in feet.

a compound guy with a bow about 3" too long draw, punching the trigger-shooting real poor as well.

I actually was on the range with my Excalibur-and was hitting the bullseye.
Now you would have no objection if these other two  archers headed to the woods-although it was unlikely they would even hit a deer-maybe wound it.

But because one has an xbow suddenly they are lazy -I have been in archery for 44 years-I have not only trad bows but compounds as well-and an xbow.  Been to the Vegas shoot 3 times-attended the PBS show-shot at the Longbow Safari.

I have a friend of mine who is a dedicated longbow archer-I think he has 14 trad bows-and an xbow as well.  He's  been in archery for over 50 years.  Is he lazy too?

I think trying to "keep xbows out" which to me is to mandate in free society what someone should or shouldnt hunt with in a recreational season isnt going to work.  MN will hear from those already in their recreational season-but they also will get input from other states DNRs and there is no delerious effect.

and because an xbow is a type of archery equipment and not a gun there is only one choice for its appropriate season.

I really do not understand why someone would even care.  It's a recreational season and the choice doesnt effect you.

of course you will see-I understand xbows have been approved for WI.
Fox High Sierra
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Offline Steve D

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2014, 10:53:00 AM »
You have your opinion about it and I have mine. Individual examples are not the way to justify some of your opinions.I know there are some using "trad" that shouldn't along with other types of equipment guns included hunt at all.
Practice to obtain hunting kill accuracy should be the object of all.
I'm not anti crossbow as a weapon to use, just believe as many do,keep it out of the archery/bowhunting season.

Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2014, 12:23:00 PM »

only problem you got is that xbows are archery equipment.

it's a type of a bow.  It was developed when all there was bows.

far far before firearms.  

I have yet to see any sort of substantial argument that someone shouldnt be able to use an xbow.  Just people who "dont like it"-and excuse me but I think those opinions are based on ignorance.  I have reservations that those opposed have ever actually shot one-or hunted with one.

its much the same arguments that were in the 70s as the compound gained popularity.

if you dont like it-then dont use one.  But when you want to restrict someone else you had better have a good reason and since there are no good reasons I expect we will see continued growth of xbows in the existing seasons.

one comment here was to "get something" for allowing xbows.  Seriously what does one expect to get?  It's a recreational season-I really dont see how as a participant in a recreational season one would be owed more.

just go out and hunt your way-and let others hunt their way.  much ado about nothing..
Fox High Sierra
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Offline Steve D

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2014, 10:38:00 PM »
We agree to disagree.

Offline Mojostick

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2014, 10:49:00 PM »
My comment meaning was, if some object to xbows, the losing fight is to make a no compromise last stand to oppose them and lose all in that particular fight. Because eventually, that is the end scene of the movie. Maybe not this year, but within the next few years.

The better course is, if you think xbows may increase hunter numbers in the 6 week window of October 1 to November 15, then make a compromise with the state powers so that archery seasons start a month earlier and end a month later than what you have now, to spread out hunter numbers. Basically, expanding bow hunting opportunity is the "get something in return" compromise. Otherwise, all that will happen is some small trad groups will oppose xbows with no compromise, get stream rolled and still have the same archery season dates but with xbows for all. Expand opportunity and spread out dates is the compromise of the losing hand. And as long as tags aren't liberalized, we all win.

Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2014, 11:05:00 PM »
I really wouldnt have a problem with that.

xbows in as choice.

the season which now includes xbows now starts a month earlier and now ends a month later.

but I think you want some sort of segregation.  The difficulty is you are lumping modern bowhunters shooting compounds/laser rangefinders etc with the more traditional bowhunters.

it's much ado about nothing.

its also a losing cause.  The acceptance for xbows is growing and growing. I see now xbows now in major archery magazines.  Petersen's Bowhunting even has a column on them.
Fox High Sierra
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Offline Mojostick

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2014, 11:16:00 PM »
You misunderstand. Xbows will be in the regular archery season. But why not take the opportunity to make positive expansions of archery dates, under the guise of compromise, instead of standing fast and getting nothing on the archery wish list? If trad groups said, "we know xbows are coming but we won't fight them if we get x,y and z in return", I bet lots of state gov's would jump at the easy transition with giving in to expanding dates than the endless fighting of having xbows with the same, old dates. It's taking a so-so hand and making it a winner. There would be no separate dates for xbows, just 60 more for all bow hunters, to spread it out.

Offline Gator1

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2014, 10:28:00 AM »
Minnesota has a great Muzzleloder season that is well received.

Scopes are not legal during muzzleloader season. How many cross gun archers would partake with only open sights....

   :readit:    :readit:    

I'll bet not many....

Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2014, 10:58:00 AM »
so if scopes were not allowed on xbows during archery season you then would have no objection to their use I assume?
Fox High Sierra
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Offline Gator1

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2014, 11:06:00 AM »
Was really a question. How many crossbow hunters would hunt without a scope?

Would you?

Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2014, 12:24:00 PM »
the answer is yes.

I would hunt without a scope if required.  Saying that...

I get a much cleaner sight picture with my scope than iron sights.

and since placing my xbow arrows as accurate as possible is my goal..

my xbow scope has marks for 20-50yards in 10 yard increments.  I just sighted it in the other day.

I would like to hunt turkeys with it.  wish the snow would go away!
Fox High Sierra
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Offline SKITCH

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2014, 01:07:00 PM »
Originally posted by Cold Weather:

I get a much cleaner sight picture with my scope than iron sights.

HMMM....really....whodu thunkit?  

and since placing my xbow arrows as accurate as possible is my goal..

my xbow scope has marks for 20-50yards in 10 yard increments.  I just sighted it in the other day.

I would like to hunt turkeys with it.  wish the snow would go away!
I think this post proves that this is nowhere near a Bow conversation!!      :knothead:  

If you like crossbows.....have fun with problem.  BUT, they are not a bow.  Trigger, scope, blah, blah,blah....come on!!!  Not trying to be a jerk but a piece of wood and a string...that's the challenge!  It's OK to be interested in non traditional gear. Plenty of guys here have rifles, shotguns, crossbows, blowguns, bazookas, grenade launchers, etc. etc. etc.  Just don't use them during Archery season and no need to talk about them here!!
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Online mnbwhtr

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Re: Minnesota Crossbow Legislation
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2014, 03:21:00 PM »
The way Minnesota statutes are written, crossbows are NOT bows. Let's stay within the law.

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