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PowWow / Re: Polk Knives is closing shop
« Last post by Redfeathers on Today at 12:40:47 AM »
Excellent choice, you will never regret that decision!!!!
PowWow / Re: Missin' deer, can't seem to "Pick a Spot!"
« Last post by McDave on January 13, 2025, 11:47:09 PM »
Sometimes I find that it's a matter of staying with the shot, particularly with high misses.  Sometimes people put an extra little tug downward on the bowstring right as they release the arrow which causes the arrow to angle up.  Other times the bow arm is not as solid as it should be and begins to rise as you expand rather than staying locked on target.  What I mean by staying with the shot is to keep your head still and follow the arrow through your sight window all the way to the target, especially when you're shooting at an animal, which is when you're most likely to lose focus on your spot in the moment before release.  If you get in the habit of watching the arrow through the sight window all the way to the target it will be obvious to you if you do either of the things I mentioned because you will notice the arrow begin to drift off target and can stop the shot.
PowWow / Re: Missin' deer, can't seem to "Pick a Spot!"
« Last post by Arctic Hunter on January 13, 2025, 10:42:55 PM »
Been there. Eventually I just got mad enough to remember to pick a spot before I even draw, much less release.

Read the book “Instinctive Archery Insights” by Jay Kidwell. He talks about carrying a button around when he’s shooting and imagining that’s what he’s shooting at. That might help you.
PowWow / Re: Missin' deer, can't seem to "Pick a Spot!"
« Last post by Orion on January 13, 2025, 10:17:38 PM »
I'm betting you're rushing your shot and that your form goes to pot at the shot.  I've been at this a long time, and I still sometimes do it.  I think it's the idea that we might not get the shot that causes us to rush it at the first opportunity. Too, in that high intensity moment, the brain often tends to short circuit.  Sometimes folks don't even remember shooting. When it looks like I might get a shot, I tell myself to slow down. I say to myself, "If you get the shot, make it good one.  If not, so be it." It has a calming effect for me, and everything else just falls into place. 
PowWow / Re: Missin' deer, can't seem to "Pick a Spot!"
« Last post by Doc Pain on January 13, 2025, 09:52:33 PM »
You’re probably gonna get a lot of good advice here, but you’re still going to have to sort through it and see what works for you. I’m gonna throw in my two cents worth. If you’ve practiced in your yard or wherever and you feel you have your fundamentals down, then leave those thoughts home when your in the woods. Your focus should just be on where you want the arrow to go. Forget in your conscious mind about things like shot sequence, back tension, release, or any other thing and focus only on your aiming. Let all that other stuff just happen naturally out of repetition.
PowWow / Re: Missin' deer, can't seem to "Pick a Spot!"
« Last post by Stumpkiller on January 13, 2025, 08:50:51 PM »
Get a large piece of blank cardboard and shoot at that.  Try for the center and then other regions.  I like to focus on an imaginary nickel sized spot.

And, next step.  I don't just consider the "spot".  I consider where the arrow will exit and pick a spot INSIDE the deer along that axis. 
PowWow / Re: Bowhunting Black Bears with Joel Riotto
« Last post by Ryan Rothhaar on January 13, 2025, 08:41:03 PM »
I need to listen to this too when I get a chance. Joel is a great guy. I called him last year out of the blue, at his office since it was the number google gave me. We ended up talking bears for a long time, he sent me some magazines and brochures, and gave me great recommendations on a couple outfits in Canada. Really nice guy. Thanks, Joel!

PowWow / Re: Missin' deer, can't seem to "Pick a Spot!"
« Last post by ZachW on January 13, 2025, 08:27:44 PM »
I understand. Been there. It’s considered blasphemy, but going to a simple sight can turn this problem around.
This is what a lot of the old timers used to do. People are reluctant to do this now. But if you are competent during practice, and fall apart in the field, this can help.

Thanks.  I'd REALLY like to get one instinctively.  I feel like I rushed it, even though I was talking to myself. 
PowWow / Re: Missin' deer, can't seem to "Pick a Spot!"
« Last post by ZachW on January 13, 2025, 08:26:47 PM »
I always try to picture a tennis ball where I want to hit.

hmmm, this could work!  I may try this
PowWow / Re: Do you stop them or shoot them walking?
« Last post by Gordon Jabben on January 13, 2025, 07:51:54 PM »
I like walking better also.  As far as I know, I have never had a deer jump the string while walking. 
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