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David Kretschmar

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joe skipp:
Great interview Dave...I can personally tell you that you wont' meet a finer gentlemen in the Trad ranks. Whether its busting through briars at Shawns Bunny hunt or sharing a cold one afterwards...always a kind word and helping hand.

Nice job Dave!!!  :thumbsup:  

PS...And I'm not being nice just so we can Moose hunt togehter either!

Shawn Leonard:
Yup, David is a good one. Curt and him make for some good company, I just add the comedy!! Shawn

WOW!!!!!!!!!! What can I say that has not already been said!!!!!

I met David a few years ago at Shawns Bunny Hunt and we hit it right off. Every year my family and I attend the White Mountain Traditional Bowhunters Rendezvous in New Hampshire and I asked David if he had ever attended this great weekend event. David said that he had not but we made plans to meet at the rendezvous that summer.

David and Hunter were there when we arrived and Hunter and my boys Kevin and Tyler instantly became inseparatable.I spent the weekend with David shooting and talking and it just felt like we had been friends for YEARS.By the end of the weekend we were all good friends and the White Mountain Rendezvous has become a yearly get-together ever since.

David is a Great Man,and I am Honored to have him as a friend.

Great to get to know more about you David. Really looking forward to meeting you at Shawn's bunny hunt. We really have to quit saying all these nice things about Jeff Holchin. He's going to get a big head and stop doing all the work at camp. So I'll start by saying something bad about him. He is a terrible salmon fisherman! I hope to get an article in PBS soon that will illustrate what I mean!

Great interview! That is a great picture of you and your son too. You have a good outlook on life, my friend.
Terry, thanks for starting the interviews again, I've missed them.


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