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Ha Nore

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G'day all here at Trad Gang,

  Well I plan to hunt with Ha Nore in 05 with a few mates of mine that both have been to Africa twice before but not to Ha Nore in Namibia. What I'm looking for is any info from anyone thats hunted there or in Nam before. Like things to take for gifts to the kids, something for the trackers and skiners, things that would help out a first timer in Africa.

 I plan to hunt plains game only and I have my hart set on a nice Gemsbok shortly after that a nice wide Kudu! We plan to be there for about 14 days at this time so there will be know presure or made rush to bag game. Just want to enjoy myself and down a few good critters!  :)  

 I'll be shooting a Black Widow PSAX Osage , 70# @ 28. And am looking to try the Grizzly sticks or I may just use some very good tapered woodis that I have stored away, arrow weight around 675g's. And of cause up front leading the charge would be the 160g' Grizzly heads.

O....... I loved your DVD on the black widow hunt Denny. When's the next one comming out? Regards from Oz, Alan M. Kidner

That sounds like a real righteous setup there, mate.   :thumbsup:  

Good luck!

Rick McGowan:
Alan, we use very similar setups, great minds think alike! I plan to be back in OZ in a few months, can't wait to get back to the NT! Rick

8th Dwarf:
I'm heading for Ha Nore in July '04.  This will be my 11th trip to Africa, but my first to Namibia.  It's going to be a special "reunion" hunt, since Doug Otte, who was burned in the fire with me in the Arctic will be joining me.  

From there, on to Greater Kuduland in S.A.  I will never be able to get the Dark Continent out of my blood!

Too Short


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