Main Boards > The Bowyer's Bench
My 1st wood/glass bow build
I thought you all would like to see Ron's first, she is a very fast bow, and nicely shaped handle. He's a typical craftsman, very humble and very high standards. His next bows will be great, I know it.
Glenn Newell:
That's a very nice looking bow Nevada, and that's your first bow? well done. A lefty once told me that all poeple were born right handed but only a few learned to overcome the handicap...Glenn...
Very nice!
SoNevada Archer:
Thanks Guys! I appreciate all your comments.
Thanks Dano for getting me to post. I'll be over one of these days to visit...
ron w:
Looks great, love zebra wood,once you learn to put the shelf on the right side it'll be perfect. Just kidding,really nice work.
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