Main Boards > The Bowyer's Bench

What makes a bow unique

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Jon Lipovac:

--- Quote from: Kirkll on November 11, 2023, 10:07:29 AM ---I always wanted to have a contest among a dozen experienced bowyers to see who could build a TD bow with the best performance with everyone using the same limb form.  The bowyer can change the length of the limb , move the stops, skies the limit on taper rates and wedges, and put what ever riser they want.

I’m quite certain we would end up with 12 different bows from 12 different bowyers that had a 20 FPS spread in arrow speed at the same GPP arrow weight.

I always thought that might be fun to do…. :biglaugh:

My point being…. You can get a dozen different bows with completely different characteristics out of the same form shape just by sliding the limb one way or the other in the form, changing up wedge lengths, taper rates, tip notch locations, limb pad angle, and riser shape.

On top of that … start changing up materials used, and things get different results again…..  bottom line is….. it is the bowyer that makes the bow unique, not the shape of the form.      Kirk

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If this idea ever gets any traction. I'd be down to give this a try.
I think it would be a great learning experience for all.

I use what i call "Carpenter Cad" to play with limb shapes.... Just get a hand full of 8-12 penny nails, a piece of 1/4" hard board or plywood, and a piece of 1.5" width fiberglass 36" long and have at it.


You can bend that glass anyway you like and then stand back and look at it, and adjust it just adding more nails and flexing the glass. I like using 1/4" MDF for pattern stock because it sands so smooth and you can use a router with a flush cutting bit to transfer the shape to your form.


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