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Where to Buy Fiber-Glass backings strips online

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Please suggest any good online shops to buy quality Fiber-Glass backing strips.

I don't stock glass just yet,so here...

or here..

building your form here...

Good luck,take your time and enjoy it!!

Thanks a lot Kennym and yes I'm planning to take it very slow and research well and experiment methodically on just wood laminated bows to gain understanding on the local woods and proper lamination thickness, taper and number of lams and est and then finally go for the final one with the fiberglass backing but wanted to know where I could buy so can get one of my friends to bring it down when the opportunity come along.

Thanks again


--- Quote ---Originally posted by kennym:
I don't stock glass just yet,so here...  

or here..  

building your form here...  

Good luck,take your time and enjoy it!!
--- End quote ---
In the first link you gave there were different types of fiber glass backing in the sense of their compositions and materials used to build them. So are their recommendation when choosing a type?

Get volume 4 of the Traditional Bowyers's Bible.  There is a good chapter on building all wood laminated bows that may be of some interest to you.


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