Main Boards > The Bowyer's Bench

Finished Red Oak Board Bow


Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I've finished my first bow. It's a red oak board bow with linen backing. I will post pictures of it eventaully, it's just kind of a busy weekend with me moving into school tomorrow. I was shooting for about 45# @ 28" but it ended up being about 33# @ 28", which is fine by me. My tillering is not perfect which I was expecting but it turned out to be a fun bow. I've put about 40 arrows through it so far. I'm absolutely hooked on bow building now. Not only does it give you something to do, but it is very rewarding once you finish the bow. Thank you everyone for all of the help throughout this building process, I would've given up long ago if it wasn't for you.


Way ta go Tommy, I look forward to the pics.  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:

Congrats, now wheres the pic's .....J/K but we would like to see some pic's of the bow when you get a chance.

Oh, I'll get pictures on here as soon as I can.

Here's a link to another website that has pictures.  Thank you for all of your help.




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