Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

Hard Earned Trophy - ORIGINAL!!!

<< < (3/17) > >>

Good one Terry, your going to get me in trouble here, I've got a garden to till and now can't leave the puter!!   :campfire:

Terry Green:
Go till your garden ...I got some family ties this AM and wont be back to finish till this evening.

Sorry about that.

Shawn, I've been up since 7 and I've been rounding up women all morning     :rolleyes:    :rolleyes:      :rolleyes:     ....but boy am I stoved up!!

Jack Denbow:
Good story, I am sure it will end with a dead piggy.

Apex Predator:
Go get him bud!

You Bet Terry, Save me a log and a cup of coffie and see ya latter!!   :campfire:    :coffee:


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