Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

St. Judes Okeechobee Hog Hunt

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Peanut doesn't like you Biggie.

Terry Green:
Here's something else interesting about Charlie's bow....

When I got the bow, I saw that it had 3 little light rectangle hash marks on the upper limb, and I didn't think anything else of it but that it was a unique characteristic.


Yesterday when I called Charlie about posting the woods that he used, we continued on talking about the bow.  Charlie then brought up the unique characteristic stating..."Those 3 light marks on the upper limb....I don't know what that's about".  And I said "I know what its about....its about the 3 little pigs"       :)       ......


Pretty cool huh???  Maybe I should name the bow 'The Big Bad Wolf'.    :biglaugh:

Pennsyltuckey pete:

You better be careful about what you say regarding Peanut. She may just decide to pee on ya when you are takin your afternoon siesta.  She has more smarts than most of the guys at work. Then again... that doesn't say much about where I work!


Biggie Hoffman:
Heck I thought I was giving her credit! You and Marty act like I was being mean.   :rolleyes:

Only having to pull her back onto the bloodtrail once is a vast improvement. Ok, how about this;

1)She doesn't bark.......

Sorry, that's all I can think of.

Pennsyltuckey pete:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Biggie Hoffman:
Heck I thought I was giving her credit! You and Marty act like I was being mean.    :rolleyes:  

Only having to pull her back onto the bloodtrail once is a vast improvement. Ok, how about this;

1)She doesn't bark.......

Sorry, that's all I can think of.
--- End quote ---
I have another good thing about Peanut!

She smells better than most of us after a weekend!



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