Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

The Haunting is over......

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Im sure that it caused alot of sleepless nights. Glad you know the ending, although still not completely.
Congrats on you and your hunting buddys for never giving up the search, and a great deer.

beautiful buck for sure, real pity you could not find him when you where there, but its good to see you got it back.

something really mystical about those particular antlers

It still hurts inside I am sure,It is something that you will never forget.AT least you have a part of him.Those horns will help the healing,very nice deer.

Glad you got closure. Fine rack there.

Wow !  Magnificent to say the least.

I'm haunted by a magnificent rack like that too....never got to draw on him as it was a little too dark, but I'll never forget all those tines !


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