Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics
St. Jude's Solana Ranch Hunt Officially Underway!!
Bob Walker:
Well, I just talked to Terry Green and he's on the way to the airport so I guess it's officially begun. There will be 13 Tradgangers converging on the Solana Ranch outside of Austin, Texas over the next 2 days for some Texas Whitetail and Hogs. Here's the lineup for this year's hunt:
Terry Green and his Dad
Rob DiStefano
Joel Smith
Jeff Springer (Tippit)
Don Wilson (DW)
Bill Turner
Jeff Berberick (Bowhunter4life)
Mike Langehans (Sunny Hill Archer)
Toby Rey (BTH)
Curt Cabrera (Guru)
Bob and Bobby Walker
I'd like to send a big THANK YOU to the Solana Ranch for donating a spot on this hunt to the St. Jude's Auction this year and to Toby Rey for his winning bid.
Ya'll stand by for some stories and pics. Hopefully, everyone will get their monies worth!
You Critters be safe...NO SINNIN (Missin the Mark) :clapper: :clapper:
Keep us posted on how the EATIN IS :goldtooth:
Best of luck guys :0)
And......they're off!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob, you guy's have fun and be safe. Good luck
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