Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

The road goes on-Moderator Meltdown

<< < (2/33) > >>

Ray Lyon:
Yup, that group ought to be holding up signs with sequential numbers written on them.    :bigsmyl:  

But I'll bet they had fun.   :thumbsup:

Front row left to right: Joe Coots(JC), Curtis Kellar(Littlefeather), Curt Cabrera(Guru) and Terry Green.
Back Row left to right: Rob Distefano,Dick Easter(Rabbitman), Charlie Lamb, Bob Walker, and Kevin Smith(special guest).

Misssing from the pictures is Chad Jones. We missed him after he was called away on emergency! Glad it all worked out Chad!

Gass-n-up!     :D  

 First day on the ranch

With a crew like that there has GOT to be some stories to tell.......Do we have to beg?  :D

Brian Halbleib:
More pics...NOW please   :bigsmyl:  


Are those covers off the pumps so you can crank them by hand?  :)

I guess you just leave your money in a coffee can or sump'n.

Watch them sticker while you're crank'n.

Too funny!


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