Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

TEXAS SWEAT 06 ...Tales of the Hunts...Clips start pg 8

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Terry Green:
Guys......I'm whooped, flight got delayed and three days of hunting and jawing till the wee hours has taken its toll.  There will be stories and images by many in the days to come.....hold on...this Texas Sweat had its share for sure.

I was truly honored to share a camp with this great bunch of guys.  This was about as good as it gets boys and girls.

I'll leave ya this evening with a few quotes I heard during the hunt.........

"Nah, I'll just sit out here and cool off a bit" - Ben Moffitt.

"I noticed this cow at my chair with parachute cord hanging out of its mouth" - Dave 'Hunt It' Stinson.

"I'm glad you're down there instead of me" -  Charlie Lamb.

"Those things are quite scary" - Conan 'slow walker' Nelson

"Oh no, ....those thorns and cactus was nothing compared to the gashes, stitches, and scars I saw in my immediate  future." -  JC

"I wasn't going to let that 2nd one boogie" - Jeff 'tippet' Springer

"I think I'm going to go home and teach my wife a little spanish" - Kyle Watson

"This is insane man" - Curtis Kellar

"I'm not too old enough that I can't whoop your butt....don't call me Mr. Kellar again." - Mr. Kellar             :D            

"You two being experienced bowhunters, I was expecting a more miraculous plan of a technical nature." - Krister of Norway.

See you guys tomorrow......


Terry Green:
OK...Once we got settled in at camp and met all the gang....we were champing at the bit to hit the desert with bow in hand.

Me, JC, and Krister from Norway headed out to the back 40 to find our hidden treasure.  We had to negotiate the hub of a wagon wheel that was a maze of fences and gates...some gate opened and closed in two directions......but we found the spoke we wanted to venture out to a sizable tank(TX for pond)with mixed topo features.

We crested the hill and the tank lay below to our right.  Within seconds......HOGS were spotted headed toward the upper end of the dry part of the lake bed.  We immediately descended and got the wind in our face and quickly closed the distance with a ground that was designed in a stalker' dream.



We got into bow range and was just waiting for any one of the seven to give us the shot angle we wanted.  BAMB!....180 degree wind change and away they went up on of the two drainages that feed the pond.  We all were left with a grin on our face realizing the hunt held promise.

After a brief recognizance we decided the wind had made its final change for the day...because it was now a stiff breeze in a decisive we headed off the opposite way with more tank to explore.....

Not 5 minutes later we bump another small group of hogs and chase them through an interesting terrain feature.  Imagine two small ponds with a narrow damn separating the break the damn in the middle allowing the two ponds to connect.  We chased these hogs out one hundred yard finger and across the break to the other hundred yard finger on the opposite side of the lake.


Needless to say we were pumped with all the action we'd had our 1st 45 minutes into the hunt.....what lay ahead?....anticipation is a wonderful feeling......

Terry Green:
At this point we felt it best to split up and cover more ground to get an even better feel for the land.  I went up another spoke that ran on the upper end of the pond to try and come in from the down wind side and peek into those drainages with a slow still hunt......

I found a higher ridge splitting these two draingages and figured that would be my best approach since it would bring me into the prime area from down wind.  I took out my hand pruners and cleared a path for 75 yards or so thought the thick desert to the beginning of the lake terrain where it was much more open.  I check the area and didn't see any critters so I pruned my trail a bit more on the way out.  I now had a way to sneak into that watering hole nice and quiet like and check it when I felt it needed checking...........


Left View.........


Right View..........


Extreme Right View...........


I then went to explore more of the area around the tank.

Terry Green:
A couple more pics from the drains........

A fisherman must have lost his boat.....


Nice buck rub


Terry Green:
I made my way around to the lower south side of the tank...this area was very lush for south TX...and it looked cool and inviting for hogs.  There is a berm running the south side of the tank for it entire lake with a narrow gully off the side....this was a fun place to stalk let me tell ya....if you saw a hog, he would have been well in bow range......




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