Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

The never ending story - TXS06... Into the breach

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Charlie Lamb:
There are those here now that have only gotten a small taste of a story told slowly. In true Trad Gang fashion, one of those stories is about to unfold.

Over the next few weeks, member/brothers from all over the world will be converging on a rather sizeable acreage in south Texas for the annual "Texas Sweat"... a gathering of some of the most formidable bowhunters/liars on the planet.

It's international this year and that proves to be interesting. I experience enough of a language barrier just traveling from Missouri to Texas... the worst is in southwest Missouri/Oklahoma, though.    :)    

We'll be pullin bows (and cactus spines) on Javelina and wild hogs. We'll spare no bunnies in our quest for truth (?), justice and the American way. (note to self- take phone booth for changing clothes)

The first of the good stuff will start showing up here next weekend, so keep the dial right here.

Within the next few minutes I'll be on the road south. You all be good, be careful and keep listenin.    :wavey:


Drive careful and see ya tomorrow.



Charlie, Have a safe trip. A good time seems a given...Mac~

Rob DiStefano:
Have a blast Charlie and the TXS06 crew - please save some critters for us come May!   :D

Charlie, safe travels. See you in a few days in the land of thorns and stickers. Camara, arrows, bows and tall tales ready to go. More campfire memories about to be made and shared.


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