Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

At the Movies....'Truck Load of Young Bucks'

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Charlie Lamb:
Get some T!!!  :D

Terry Green:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by JC:
Terry was so excited he was stuttering Saturday....and rightly so. :
--- End quote ---
HA!...that was from having to swallow so much Copenhagen!...aint no way spittin was gonna ruin this weekend     :thumbsup:  

Gotta go trick or back later....

joe skipp:
Sounds great Terry. Try to hookup a video camera on your stand so we can enjoy the "reruns". Hope you tag a good one!

Wow sounds like you are having the kind of "fun n' games" I was having in the early season. I had hoped to get back out this evening (finally) but not quite "fit" enough yet - hopefully tomorrow eve.

Sounds like T is gonna be scaring the Trick-er-Treaters with that big ol grin he's sportin. Get one Terry! I wanna see some good pics of a big buck(or a Doe). CK


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