Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

Hail Storm Bacon and The Bay of Pigs...

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Terry Green:
Mr. Ray Hammond picked me up in North GA Friday morning, and we headed out for a hog hunting adventure.  He had invited me a couple of months ago to join him at a place in South Carolina soon as turkey season was over.  We waisted no time on that, and settle on the following weekend of that season's closing.

As Ray and I rode along we had some great conversation.  Ray and I had been around one another on several occasions, swapped emails and posts here on Trad gang, but never really got to know one another.  We talked about hunts we'd been on, gear preferences etc, etc.  Oh, and of course we solved all the world of bowhunting's problems.  Ok, we didn't really, but we talked a good game.  

When you cross over into lower South Carolina, you can't help but feel like you've stepped back in time, and the daily stresses seem to fad away rather quickly, least it did for me.  Some of the terrain is similar to south eastern GA, so I still felt like I was home in a sense.

As we entered the gate I was taking in all I could as Ray pointed out highlights of hunts gone by, great spots, interesting areas....and not leaving out pigs.  We spotted a small cluster of them before we even got to camp.  Ray asked if I'd like to get out and have a go at them, but I decided to just watch for a bit.  I figured the anticipation would really work on me while we got settled in to camp and suited up for the afternoon hunt, and I'd be in a better frame of mind.  Watching the little welcoming party was kinda like warming up before the game.

We entered Camp and made short order of formalities and began to gear up.  I'd get the low-down on camp that evening. No need to stand on ceremony, we had hogs to chase.  

We'd seen lots of sign in different places on the property.  I thought it was going to be interesting trying to figure out which of those likely places would be best that evening. Ray settled that with a very confident reply when I inquired as such...."Lets just go for a walk".  Easy enough I thought as we left the camp and paralleled a thunderstorm that was working off our right shoulder from back to front.

Here's a few teaser spots we were easing by.....




Ray Hammond:
That was YOU I was with all weekend?????????     :scared:          :wavey:    

I thought I was with Curtis Kellar, hog killer extraordinaire!!!!!!!

I had a great time getting to know you, Terry! It was a stellar weekend.

James Wrenn:

Yep, nice mud pics! Got any more?

beachbowhunter: it normal to get so pumped up about a pig hunting story?  I might have a problem...   :help:  

Bring home the bacon boys!


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