Legends and Pioneers > Jack Howard


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The Gray Fox:
I, too, recall awaiting the arrival of my first Jack Howard catalog when I attended high school in the mile high Arizona juniper flats.  My hunting fanny pack still has a set of anvil pruning shears as he recommend they were the best kind.  How could I disagree then, or now?  I just checked my broadhead box, and found four Bear Razorheads that I had glued half of a double edged razor blade to with the recommended Pliobond adhesive cured in my mom's oven.  I recall I had to get it mail order from some place. Talk about a pack rat, that was fourty years ago before 26 years in the Army, and I still have them.  Just proves that his advise was always worth while.  I would have loved to have sat around a campfire with him and just listen.  My prayers to his wife and family.  John Wilson

Condolences to the family.

Fish'n River:
Prayers for him and his family.
It would be nice if his articles and catalog could be compiled and printed.

Coincidently I was just reading the March 1966 NFAA magazine that the above antelope picture was originally published in.  Sad to hear of the passing of a true icon of archery.

ARTICLES AND STORIES posted on TRAD GANG by, or about, JACK HOWARD for your reading pleasure








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