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Javie adventure begins

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Well we are putting the finishing touches on loading the trailer and truck and have to drop the dogs off at the doggy spa on the way by.  But in an hour or so we should be on our way.  We are taking it easy this year and going to drive to Tucson in two days instead of one.  Should be spending the night somewhere in NM, I think.

Terry, Bobbie and a friend of Terry's will be meeting up with us in the next couple of days and tomorrow night we pick up our nephew in Tucson.  His name is Jordan and some of you met him a couple years back at MoJam.  Anyway this is his first hunt of any kind ever.  And boy is he excited.

I'm sure there will be some great stories to spin when we get back.  See you guys on or about the 15th.

Mike, Connie and Jason

Pasty Face:
Best of luck

Good luck and drive safe! Can't wait for the tales!!

hunt it:
Safe travels and a great hunt!

Wing... Take NO PRISONERS...Safety in travel.

Beware of Terry's friend he can get quite rowdy   :biglaugh:


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