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Side Quiver Build Along As Requested
Now roll the lower piece into a tube and sew using your strong thread and needles to form a baseball stitch down the seam using the smaller holes punched earlier. Directions for the baseball stitch can be found on many web sites featuring videos and is quite easy. Repeat on the upper portion....
Now for the shaft....I like the look and quietness of a leather lace-wrapped shaft. To do this, grab your arrow shafts that you have cut to desired length and glue them side-by-side using the super glue. Use the small thin leather scraps (thick cloth or felt would work too) to "cap" the ends of the arrow shafts as shown, attaching with more glue. Some trimming after attachment will clean this up a bit. Be careful not to let your fingers become part of the quiver during the gluing (again...ask me how I know this...) Once dry you can glue the end of your leather lace over top of the scrap leather piece and begin wrapping. I like to add a drop of super glue to the shaft every few wraps to ensure it stays tight. Once the wrapping is complete, secure the other end with a few drops of glue. Now you can lace the shaft to the upper and lower quiver pieces as shown in the picture. use a few drops of the superglue to secure your knots.
Now you need to add something so the arrows do not fall out of the bottom of the quiver...for this I used a 1/2" x 2 5/8" circle of wood cut with an adjustable hole saw, capped on each side by 1/4" closed cell craft foam that I bought at a local craft supply store (lots of other TRAD friendly uses for this stuff as well, broadhead quiver inserts etc). If you don't have a way to get an appropriate cicle of wood, simply glue 4-6 layers of this stuff together and cut to shape. Once dry, insert into the bottom of the quiver and tack with the upholstry tacks.
Now add the decorative 1/8" lacing around the edges of the upper and lower portions of the quiver and use super glue to secure each of the ends to a hidden spot where the shaft meets the quiver for a clean finish.
Thread your strap through the D-rings, adjust to proper length and secure with with the 1/8" lace as shown.
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