Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2007

First trad deer with help from TradGang!

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My buddy here at the office (Pullonmylimb) hunted for the very first time last year.  He's been a trad shooter for a few years now.  He got his first deer ever, let alone with trad gear,last year.  Back in july he posted for me to find a lefty bow.  Well thanks to the people here at tradgang, I purchased a 45# grizzly to get me started.  we built heritage 150 shaft arrows with 100 grain 2-blade broad heads.
took this buck opening day at 16 yards...followed up with a doe at the 11th hour on last day.  great first trad deer and thanks to my biddy and the trad gang crew!  

having issue with posting pic, be back in a bit to figure it out

Congrats on such a good start to your trad hunting.  Keep working on the pics.

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WOW! What a great buck, congratulations!  :thumbsup:  
Now ya'll have to help me get my first trad deer.  :archer:


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