Trad Gang Highlights > HIGHLIGHTS 2015

Successful Hunt on Iowa Public Ground

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Iowa Public land self guided hunt. This mainframe 10pt with two stickers was shot on Oct.31st, the first day on the first morning hunt. I placed the arrow with my Schafer Silvertip Longbow, 62" 56#@28". Easton Axis arrows from one of our Tradgang sponsors Gary Hall of D&M Custom Arrows tipped with a 150g Wensel Woodsman Elite. This buck did a half loop away from me and expired yards from where I shot him.

Best part of the trip.... Sharing it with two great fellow trad hunters. One of which I have all to thank for his guidance which has taken me on this traditional journey !!

Very nice deer indeed! Congratulations on your success.


A beauty for sure, but it makes me even more impatient for my TD Tip long bow to be finished.

Beautiful Buck and Bow

Congrats to you! Fine deer and great hunt!


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