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Compadre Friendship Bow Continued

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Well Since Bernie has me listed on his site as a prolific bowyer I figured it was time to get back to prolifin'

This is a continuation of the Ferret friendship bow build along...... First we   "Finessed the Tiller"  

When my finessing went a tad south and I missed weight by a couple of pounds a sinew job was ordered by the doc to get the weight back up.

  "Sinewing Compadre"

After 3 months of letting the sinew cure I usually wind up with 1 1/2" of reflex..... This bow started with a bit over 1" of deflex and here are our results after letting the sinew cure for about 5 months...I actually had lift off on this bow there was zero tension on my tiedown strings.. Patience is a virtue when sinewing.....


Nice Profile now!!.....    :)    


With a little over 2 inches of reflex.....We moved the limb profile a bit over 3" with this sinew job..... I went with only 2 courses to keep from overshooting the final target weight of 45 - 50#........ Terry

the Ferret:
Oooooh that profile does look good! YEA BABY!   :clapper:

She's coming together Mickey....It was in the 30's this morning when I took the pics....A stark contrast to the 113 degree day she was sinewed on..... I've got some slight lifting of the rawhide at the tips that will have to be reglued when it warms up then we'll see where the tiller and weight are......   :D  Terry

the Ferret:
In the 30's in AZ? Dang I didn't know it ever got that cold there.Heck it's 34 here this morning. I'm guessing you and Debbie weren't in the hot tub this morning    :biglaugh:


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