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How would you mount these? New pics pg 2
Golden Hawk:
Anybody got any ideas for mounting these as they are?
You could mount one to a piece of driftwood and let the other hang as they are locked or use a piece of cut Cedar trunk as a pedestal mount with some rock and moss on the base in a corner would look real neat.
Golden Hawk:
Cool idea Ron. Anybody else? Surely we have some taxidermists among us.
Hey Golden Hawk!
I just saw your pics and - dang! - thats what I would try to do:
A heavy board as stable platform and to support the weight. Deer colored wooden board - maybe stained plywood - to resamble the necks of both deer. And any sort of small post to lift them up in position, but without hinder the sight.
You can do the neck thick enough to drill a long hole and just slide them over the posts.
Hope you'll like it?! Its a two minute sketch - so I am sorry for some missing parts ;)
knife river:
I'm not sure that I would mount them. They're too fascinating to be locked in a position on the wall where they can't be handled. It's interesting to look at the burnished and abraded areas where the antlers meshed. I think of them as a natural sort of 3-D sculpture (with a great story) that begs to be viewed from many angles. The closest I ever came to mounting locks was hanging one set by a heavy cord from a ceiling rafter. Start it turning slowly and look at it for an hour at a time. And my wife says I don't know how to have a good time! HAH!!!
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