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Dressing up black limbs?: Updated with pics.

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Two Arrows:
I have a new bow coming my way that has the black fiberglass limbs. I've never been a big fan of the plain looking black glass, so I was wondering how some of you "dress up" or camo your black glass limbs. I have limb skins but don't really like them. Any pictures of your bows that you may have modified?

skins man!! skins

James Wrenn:
A can of spray paint can work wonders as well. :)You also can have the bow film dipped in most any camo pattern.I kind of like black glass myself and have been known to take a can of flat black paint to more than one clear glass bow limb.  :)

joe skipp:
I sprayed my Groves with gray/brown camo paint. Its a hunting bow, not a show piece. I just ordered myself a roll of 3D camo for my bows. I used this before and works great. The tape is very lightweight and doesn't harm the bow, peels off easily if you want and has no effect on performance. I like the added bonus of the 3D ASAT leafy effect also..a plus since I hunt from the ground. You can order it from ASATCAMO.COM.

Pete W:
Good black glass looks better than a botched up paint job.


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