Trad Gang Highlights > HIGHLIGHTS 2017
Birthday hog double
Jeff D. Holchin:
I host a PBS member hog hunt for coastal hogs near Savannah each February. We had a good hunt in 2017 with a good number of hogs taken, all spot and stalk using boats to access these islands. A number of TradGangers attended this hunt. Its a lot of work for me as host and I don't get to hunt much then, as I am much more concerned with getting the other bowhunters some opportunities. I usually don't get back down there after February due to heat, bugs, snakes and gators getting too bad. However, a cold front blew through the area in mid March around my birthday, so I hitched up the boat and headed south for a weekend solo hunt. There was nobody out on the water when I arrived due to the whitecaps from a steady 30 mph wind, and I wondered if I had made a mistake. However, the hogs were still there and I broke in my new 52# Black Widow PSA2 with a birthday double! I was using the new Grizzly 200 Grain double-bevel Bruins in front of some Goldtip carbons and they are deadly.
Jeff D. Holchin:
Trying to add pics:
joe ashton:
I never got bacon for my birthday. Good job.
I cannot see the pictures Jeff but congrats!
Bud B.:
Congrats, Jeff!!
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