Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2006

A few days with Ray

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knife river:
Hog hunting was the purpose, but it was only a fraction of the experience.  The low country teems with amazing life.  It seemed every third tree was decorated with a painted bunting.  They looked like they'd been painted by a young God eager to try His brightest colors first.  The flowers were no less spectacular.


Ray said this was an orchid, one of many varieties of wild orchids in the wet woods.


Even the insects were amazing.  Perhaps there should be a Pope and Young category for grasshoppers...


I hope someone can tell me about this plant.  The big blossoms opened each evening when it got cool and closed during the heat of the day.  Here's a "closed" shot.


And here it's open for business.


The mid-day heat was impressive.  Beads of sweat ran together and trickled down my face.  The trickles formed little creeks which merged into rivers until finally the whole Mississippi was pouring into the deltas inside my boots.  Early morning and late afternoon stalks would be the plan.  Early July is blackberry season in the Carolina low country.  Find the impregnable  blackberry fortresses and you find the hogs.


Discretion, valor, and a cool a/c kept us close to camp during the heat of the day.  I beat on a couple of rocks to pass time.  A couple arrowpoints were found hiding inside big flakes of fancy jasper.  I hope they'll fly well for Ray.


Al Snow:
Knife River, great photos!  Thanks.  The flower is a rose mallow, close relative of marshmallow.  They grow as shrubs in low areas, along streams, sloughs, etc.

Terry Green:
Man, that is some SERIOUS talent right there....those head look like they came off a CNC machine!!!

Dang, that last head is something awesome to look at. Talk about artistry. You got it Sir!!!

Ray Hammond:
sort of looks like a Simmons Interceptor, doesn't it?


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