Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2005

***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***

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T...thats cool pic bro  :thumbsup:  good luck in 2005

Cool pic Terry!

Here's a pic of my first 05 hunt.I'm standing at the fork of the logging roads,waiting on the wind to decide which one to take! I choose the left.Had a deerless hunt,but lots of other critters out.


First time that I every remember hunting in Jan, and having "spring peepers" peeping! Just ain't right!

Cool photos.  Terry, it took me a minute to figure out that was an uprooted tree. You guys that can hunt into January, enjoy it, even squirrel season is closed here.


Doug Campbell:
Getting a great start, nice pics guys. No spring peepers here Tim, it was a big zero here today but still felt nicer than those "cold" 20's and 30's last week back in MO.

Mark Baker, Walt Francis, and I left the wives back at the house talking about us and went out to brave the cold this afternoon on the first TBM Bunny Hunt. Headed up the Shields River lookin for a few. It was a beautiful day to be out but no bunnies bit the dust or snow in this case. We all got shots and Walt even hammered one that got into an impenetratable brush pile. A great time was had by all!

you guys look like ya need a cup of hot chocolate or cup of java...  :D  that had to me fun in the snowy areas...mark#78


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