Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2003

12-point non-typical from Wisconsin


Jason R. Wesbrock:
Shot this guy at 7:55 Saturday morning, nine yards from the base of my tree and quartering away. A Zwickey Delta 4-blade had him down for good in 50 yards. The arrow blew through like he was a puff of smoke. 170# field-dressed. Heavy bloodtrail after the first ten yards.  

He probably wasn't the biggest deer in the area, but I've got no complaints.


Terry Green:
That's 2 years you've gottan dandy bucks Jason.  And chalk another one up fot the Zwickey 4 blade   :thumbsup:  

I've got a dandy I'm working on....for the 3rd year.  I got his pic...but the problem with the pic is......I'm not in it   :confused:

Nice deer Jason! I always wanted one of them knarly horned devils! We never seem to get that much here.Congrats!  :thumbsup:

Swanny in MD:
Nice buck with trash!  And you're just about smiling too.  Next time we want to see teeth like this:    :bigsmyl:

Jason, Don't know how I missed this except I was out of town hunting that day. Nice buck!


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