Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2003

FVR Primitive Hog


Decided to do it right this time.  Got to my stand 45 minutes before daylight.

Around 7:15am saw the first hog, a monster of a pig.  Then 5 other hogs came bursting out of the thickets.  Considering that I was hunting alone and that I don't have that much freezer room, I decided against shooting the larger hogs.  

I was about 15' up a tree and the hog was about 25 yards out.  After the shot he ran about 30 yards into the thicket.  I waited 30 minutes and then proceeded to look for the pig.

I found the arrow and it was covered in dark red blood.  Good.  While entering the thickets I noticed the Monster hog 20' away in front of me.  At his feet was the black boar I shot.  Decided to wait another 15 minutes as the big guy was not leaving and I really did not want to mess with him.

I was shooting a 70lb osage backed with sinew flatbow.  The arrows are some kind of stalk that Archery Rob sent me a few years ago.  The arrow heads are 160 Wolverines.  Arrow set up weighs in at 680 grains.

Think I'll keep this set up.

The boar weighed 55lbs dressed out.  Just perfect.  I call these "pocket hogs".

Oh yeh, after I shot the boar, the deer came into view.  



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