Shawn, I nock above the nocking point, on my Super K 3/16" is where it shoots the best with metal arrows. He said his arrow was dead level so 1/8" up is the same as 3/8" when the nock is above the arrow. It does not require changing the nocking point every shot, just pay attention to where it is and walk up the string, until things start going better. I have seen cases where with new shooters that have their release preassure way off and are releasing weak that the nock seems to be needed to be way higher, but after the form gets stronger and that bow arm gets in a better line a lower nocking point works better. This past summer a fellow was having the same thing, when I watched him shoot I noticed that he was pulling the string with his index finger and hardly any pull coming from his bottom fingers,to compensate was twisting with his drawing hand and having finger pinch pain on his index finger. He was convinced that his nock needed to go lower, nearly dead level. Balancing out the power line and getting him to use those bottom fingers ended up with the nock about 1/4" up, bottom nocking point.