Main Boards > Hunting Legislation & Policies
Management Advantage sponsor responses, please post them to this thread.
The news of the WHA has been out for over a month now. The Sykes statement has been up for a few weeks. If these companies are unaware of what the folks they have business relationships are doing, then we did them a favor by pointing it out to them. But for a company that's business is totally dependent on hunting to claim no knowlege of an issue like this speaks volumes. That they have several different responses also goes to say how a company is operating. Every business has choices to make, Mossy Oak now has one. Sykes has aligned himself with the WHA, that reflects on all who do business with him. They are now aware of the issue and have to make the decision on where they wish to align themselves, if a few hunters wish to remind them who's been buttering their bread for all these years, they have every right to do so.
Ray Hammond:
Time is on the side of those operating this farce. Waiting is what they want us to do, because it means they get away with doing it and pay no price for it.
I for one do not believe, given that October is the date for the event, that we have any time left to waste on this...battleships, once a course is set, are difficult to stop or change takes miles...once advertising is committed, filmed, supplied, once commitments are made legally with contracts, its impossible to stop these things.
It has to be done now, with the few meager tools we have at our disposal. Once the poison gas is out of the bottle, it does no good to try and put it back..the damage is done.
Ronnie was in a meeting, but his assistant has my number for him to call me so we can get this all straightened out once and for all. I will post as soon as we talk.
The Quality Deer Management Association has come out in opposition of the WHA. They met with Farbman on July 6th.
QDMA Opposes WHA
Has anyone received any response from these sponsors yet?
Mega Outdoor Property
The Edge Outdoors
Brush Clearing Services, LLC
Great Day Inc.
Me Opta
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