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David Kretschmar

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Oh, I've been waiting for this one - I gotta come back when i have more time. However I have to say Dave, though we've become close on here, it really shocked me when I scanned past your pic (to get here), with your son. I had to go back, as I thought I had seen a pic of my oldest Brother, Everete, (I'm serious - take a look on my web site at pics of him and even Pop and my other (late) brother,"Dag" on my Gallery pages) in his younger days (he's 79 now and still in NH). I will be back to read this at my leisure.

Good one to pick back up with, Terry!

Missouri Sherpa:
Nice to meet you.

Thanks guys, I was suprised to see this at the top, I had forgotten all about it, and am humbled by the kind words.


Keith Deters:
Looking forward to seeing you again David.  

I can't beleive you've only been making selfbows for a year.  You've either got the gift, or you're one persistent sob.

We'll have to get out and swing the club together sometime.  My next favorite sport after archery is golf.

Good read David.  :thumbsup:


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