Main Boards > Trad Gang and Computers

Photobucket problems?

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Night Wing:
Works for me.


Thanks for the replies. Found out it wasn't photobucket.Downloaded a new version of IE and it took the old browser out and didn't install the new version.

Rob DiStefano:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by PV:
Thanks for the replies. Found out it wasn't photobucket.Downloaded a new version of IE and it took the old browser out and didn't install the new version.
--- End quote ---
gotta love microsoft ...... NOT!

all my machines (3 desktop and 3 laptops) run linux mint - this is the ONLY way to go in the new millennium!  

er, well, yes, ok, lemme 'fess up - i do run xp pro as a dual boot on 2 machines as there is some proprietary software i need that'll only run in ms-land.

but seriously, linux mint or ubuntu (both debian versions of linux) are free, work super, use the firefox browser and install themselves.  and no worries with spyware and bugs - the usual email spam will still be there, though!


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