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Be Careful on Photobucket Today + using Ubuntu Linux

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Rob DiStefano:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by raghorn:
Maybe someone can help here. I started to install Ubuntu and it was doing the drive partition when it seemed that it locked up. Nothing changed for hours and I couldn't hear a drive running so I shut it down. Now when I try to install Ubuntu it appears that Ubuntu wants to use 100% of a drive. I just don't know  if this is the new partition or the main drive.
--- End quote ---
Is your PC working right now?

What is your original operating system?

Do you have your original operating system disk?


Ron, I checked the Ubuntu discussion forums for common problems before installing.  They recommended you defrag your drive before attempting the install... if you didn't, that drive partitioning can take hours with no apparent progress.  Even with a defrag, mine took a little over 45 minutes with the "progress" bar always reading 0%.  It went from 0-100% in a few seconds after the long wait.

The Ubuntu partitioning page shows all drive partitions, so if it's only showing one something is up.

I just got a Mac, and feel naked. I am wandering about alone, with no MacAfee to clothe me, no Spybot at my side. How does one live without right-clicking?

Killdeer   :scared:

Rob DiStefano:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Killdeer:
I just got a Mac, and feel naked. I am wandering about alone, with no MacAfee to clothe me, no Spybot at my side. How does one live without right-clicking?

Killdeer    :scared:  
--- End quote ---
Personally, a Mac is simply way superior to any MS/OS PC ... but a Linux/OS PC is better yet still (well, at least for me!).

killie download avast its free and i dont have a problem at all with that one free is good.  :thumbsup:    :biglaugh:


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