Trad presents - Dr. Ashby Reports

All documents are copyright 1996 Dr. W.E (Ed) Ashby

Momentum Kinetic Energy and Arrow Penetration
Broadhead Performance
Arrow Lethality 1
Arrow Lethality 2
Arrow Lethality 3
Arrow Lethality 4
Arrow Lethality 5

Percentage of Broadhead Damage
Percentage of Lethal Shots
Percentage of Lethal Shots - Broadside
Percentage of Lethal Shots - Broadside, Scapula
Percentage of Lethal Shots - Rib Hit
Percentage of Lethal Shots - Neck, Shoulder
Average Penetration
Percentage of Shots by Broadhead Type
Percentage of Shots - Total Penetration
Percentage of Lethal Shots - Backbone
Shot Distance vs. Frequency
Penetration by Hit Type
Percent Lethality by Hit Location and BH Type
Wounding Rates
Effect of BH Shape on TPI
Effect of BH MA on Velocity
Comparison of Kinetic Energy
Momemtum - With Penetration
Tissue Penetration Index
Tissue Penetration Index - No Shaft